Tienes miedo, ¿no?

Querido Mamacita,

Hola, me llamo Madison. I originally speak English. I have recently discovered that you speak primarily Spanish, and the English that you do know is very minimal. I have written you this letter to persuade you, hopefully, to consider learning English and expanding your English vocabulary. Mi abuela, Freida, is from Germany, therefore she originally speaks German. Mi abuelo, Bob, brought my grandmother over here to America, even though she could hardly speak any English. As time went by, my grandmother was able, with the help of my grandfather, to learn enough English to acquire her citizenship officially. Though my grandmother is still learning, even today, she knew that it was a necessity to be able to comprehend and speak English. I understand the desire you have to return to Mexico, but, as you and I both realize, your husband is doing the very best that he can to make your stay in America as enjoyable as possible. I also understand that you wish your children would not learn English. I do understand, but however I do wish to stress this issue with you, Mamacita… When your child attends school that is more than likely going to be an English speaking school, how will your child be able to respond to his/her peers if they cannot understand what it is that they are saying.


Si, yo entiendo, pero escuchame.

Though you may believe that English is inferior to Spanish and American culture is not as important as that of Hispanic culture, I strongly urge that during your residency in this country, you further your vocabulary in order to make your stay less of a dredded one.



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